
Check out "Got The Mic-JC" in Written Word, Written by J.C with Ali - on the mic
Word-Written-Word -
Spoken By J.C on the Mic. Ali helping J.C. share The Lord's thoughts for Him and Ali.

New Breed
I Got a New Sound- I want to tweet!  (That Sounds Sweet) 
Testify -- I'm Alive!   
Washed by the Blood, Cleansed by The  Son - I'm a New Breed- 
I Got a New Sound I want to tweet! (That Sounds Sweet) 
My Father, The Son, He's The Holy One- 
My Spirit and His – 3 in 1 -  
I Got a New Sound I want to tweet! (That Sounds Sweet) 
Fed by The Word, He's My Bread and Meat 
I'm a Child of The Father – He comforts Me 
Pure Milk and Wine, He gives me what I need!  
I Got a New Sound I want to tweet! (That Sounds Sweet) 
I'm a New Sound- 
From My Father's Womb- 
I've been made brand New. 
Not Born of man - But Born of God 
He's the One, Who made the Begotten One - 
I'm His Daughter and His Son- 
He calls me His Church, He calls Me His Bride - 
I've given Him a special place,  Where He dwells inside. 
I Got a New Sound I want to tweet! (That Sounds Sweet) 
 The Father, The Son, The Holy one, Lives in Me - And I'm a 3 In 1.  
My Name is not just Mine - But I'm a New Kind - It's 3 in 1  - 
Together We Roll - It's "ME" With J.C. - We're a New Breed.  
He shares His Home with Me-It's the Home of the Eternal One.
We're A New Breed - It's J.C. and Me! 
That Sounds Sweet! That Sounds Sweet! That Sounds Sweet!  
Next to Me
Lord and Savior - Jesus Christ -Â
He's My King - I Got His RingÂ
Holy Spirit Livin' In Me -
My Throne is next to the Mic,
I'm living for eternity -
J.C. on the mic sitting next to me!Â
I hear the Word spoken -  Â
I hear the Word Sung -  Â
It echos, it trembles,
The sickle is swung Â
Joint Heirs with Jesus -  Â
The Battle is Won!  Â
I hear the Word of the Begotten OneÂ
Next to Me

Got the Mic - J.C
Let's Roll with The Rock!
Jesus Christ - On the Block!
Like a Bird sits - On his perch -
Take My Word - On My Merch!
Rollin Rap -
From the Inside -
To the Out -
Flowing With the Word,
Oh, You won't have to Shout-
J.C. loves Me - have you heard?
There'll be no turning roun'
Cuz, It'll be written out-loud -
J.C.'s got my Back -
What? -
Chorus TIME
(( On the Back - ? ( YEAH ! )
What? ))
(( On the Back - ? ( YEAH ! )
What? ))
(( On the Back - ? ( YEAH ! )
What? ))
Chorus TIME
** "I Can Testify -- An Awesome Sight!
** Cuz, It'll be written out-loud -
"I Can Testify -- An Awesome Sight!
** Cuz, It'll be written out-loud -
(( And On the back - ? What? ))
** "I Can Testify -- An Awesome Sight!
** Cuz, It'll be written out-loud -
** Cuz, It'll be written out-loud -
The beat of my heart,
And this is how it sounds!
So, Do ya Want My Word -
On the Street ?
Ask me to make you -
Something sweet -
Like a Cup - Without a Doubt -
You'll be filled with My Love, not a pout -
Pouring out like a joyous spout
With My Spirit - And Yours -
We will be Like an endless fount'
Word! . What!
** Cuz, It'll be written out-loud -
Here's the beat of my heart,
And this is how it sounds!
(( On the Front - ? ( YEAH ! )
What? ))
(( On the Front - ? ( YEAH ! )
What? ))
(( On the Front - ? ( YEAH ! )
What? ))
** "J.C. On the Mic"
** Cuz, It'll be written out-loud -
Chorus TIME
(( What? ))
** "J.C. On the Mic"
** Cuz, It'll be written out-loud -
(( What? ))
** "J.C. On the Mic"
** Cuz, It'll be written out-loud -
Have You Got An Art-Sketch -
You Want to Stretch?
Let's Play A Game of Catch!
Send It This Way -
And Show Us Your Art-Patch!
Breathe The Sound of My Church-
It's My Rock-Art* & Roll Merch!
Ending Chorus :
J.C. on the Mic for this track -
Now that's - outta sight!
J.esus Christ got your Back!
There'll be no turning roun'
Cuz, It'll be written out-loud -
Here's the beat of my heart,
And this is how it sounds!
J.C. on the Mic for this track -
There'll be no turning roun'
Cuz J. C. got your Back!